Friday 23 March 2018

Shadowhunters 3x01 'On Inferal Ground' Review

Well... I’ve been away from my blog for quite a while... but I’m starting it up again with a review of Shadowhunters 3x01 ‘On Infernal Ground’

Please be aware that this review is not spoiler free. If you have not yet seen the season 3 premiere, I’d advise you go watch it before reading this review.
A greater demon ready to quite literally raise hell, secrets, guilt, suspicion and more – the season 3 premiere of Shadowhunters has certainly delivered!


To start things off, we were officially introduced to Lilith - ‘the mother of all demons’ – played by actress Anna Hopkins. She makes her debut briefly mourning Jonathan before rising with hell in her eyes, clearly ready to take on whoever and whatever stands in her way of trying to revive Jonathan.

The next time we see Lilith she’s burdening a friendly nurse with a story of how she’s barren then after finishing his shift, the poor guy gets hunted down by one of Lilith’s demonic minions, gets possessed and ends up killing his wife – talk about a series of unfortunate events!

Since his revival and Lilith’s arrival in New York, Jace has also been suffering – notably at the present moment from disturbing dreams of killing Clary. It seems Lilith is really going to shake things up for the Shadowhunters, Downworlders and mundanes alike!


Moving on from Lilith, the guilt of Jace’s revival is eating at Clary, as seen at various moments throughout the episode. Between Alec’s questioning at Clary’s angelic rune ceremony, Isabelle’s questions while helping Clary choose her signature weapon and Luke’s reveal that Clary is using her parents’ daggers, you can see the guilt building as she hides her secret. Clary was so close to telling Luke during this episode it makes you wonder, how long will she last before the guilt becomes too much and she tells someone exactly what went down the night of Valentine’s death?


Malec clearly has a few communication issues they need to sort out. To start things off, Magnus is no longer the High Warlock of Brooklyn and he told Alec he was fine with that fact. Alec then informs Magnus of the fact that he was offered a position on the Council but would have to move to Alicante if he were to accept and Magnus seems to take this news well. In the end both halves of this OTP get the truth one way or another – let’s just hope they work out these communication issues soon.

Clace – (and badass Clary)

Clace’s training scene gave me all the feels! Clary is clearly improving – as seen later in the episode when she attacks that buzzing demon in an epic baseball-slide-sunbeam attack - and Jace’s level of sass was perfect in this scene! - “You give yourself way too much credit.” “Do I?” *Has his blade between Clary’s legs.

Jace’s earlier nightmare of impaling Clary with a dagger has clearly left a mark though as when he accidently cut’s Clary’s arm, we get flashes and a look of horror from Jace. Here’s to hoping our golden-eyed boy doesn’t hurt too much from this unfortunate event. (It is Shadowhunters after all though...)


Simon wasn’t in much of this episode but nevertheless, Alberto delivered an amazing performance – he never disappoints me. When we first see Simon he’s singing to the Seelie Queen and her Court. 
Can we just talk about Alberto’s voice for a moment? How can one man have so much talent?

In case you were wondering, Alberto was singing Nightshade and the song will be available for download on iTunes on April 6!

With all that said, it looks like this season of Shadowhunters is going to be a dark one. It looks like we better sit tight, buckle up and get ready for one hell of a ride!

“Go, bring me my virtuous disciples.” - Lilith

Questions are left: What is Raphael up to? What will Ollie do now that she knows that all the legends are true?

What are your thoughts on the season 3 premiere of Shadowhunters? Leave a comment below! 

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